Monday, July 20, 2009

Brimfield Fair News from a Local

Amazing Adornments Brimfield

The Brimfield Fair is one venue we like to stop by at least once a year. There are three fairs,
May, July and September. Brimfield is a typical quaint New England town like you might
see in a post card or perhaps a Norman Rockwell painting. We were very interested to see what
we would encounter because of the economy.
We found a mixed bag.

Although we arrived early on the first day, there were no shortage of dealers, although not many deals and certainly not one steal!

Some of our favorite sellers moved to
different locations on the grounds. One in particular went from a large outdoor
venue under a tent to a much smaller indoor venue. Although in years past, we have been able to find some really great pieces priced for resale from this dealer, this year we purchased zippo! The prices were NOT for resale anymore!

Brimfield Antique Center

More Images of the Brimfield Fair can be found here:

In past years the early hour did not stop
the crowds, this year there were less people than any of us can remember. Again, maybe it was because it was the first day. Although, this is the day we always attend, so who knows.

The weather was bright and sunny if a little on the chilly side. At least it was dry! This area has seen so much rain this year. One July we went on one of those HHH [hazy, hot and humid] days where the air is thick and you perspire standing still. Yikes!

I would not call our trip a disappointment as I really wasn't expecting to find very much and you never are really sure what you might find.

I am not sure if others noticed this or if it is just me, I just did not see that much "better" jewelry. There were a few dealers with some
top of the line stuff, but I don't think there were as many as in years past. Oh well, I guess maybe it is a sign of the times.

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