Monday, February 20, 2006

Never Pass on a Jewelry Auction

I attend a monthly auction trying to procure jewelry for my online shop and to sell on eBay. As many in this wonderful field will tell you, procurement is the most difficult part of having a vintage/collectable jewelry business. There are so many venues and dealers, some professional and some not so. It to me is the most important part of the vintage jewelry business however as here at Amazing Adornments; quality at a reasonable price is what we want for our customers.

Some months the auction is full of great designer vintage jewelry, while other months I concentrate of silver, vintage and otherwise. Sometimes there are several trays of jewelry up for auction, however someone or a few people at the auction will drive the price up so far that bidding does not make any sense! I often wonder what they intend to do with the jewelry that they just paid too much for?

This month, the pickings were slim to say the least. My husband and I had our eyes on no more than four lots. All but one went for more than I was willing to pay. We left with one lot. This is our low so far. We usually win at least three lots!

We drove home feeling a bit disappointed but still happy to have gone. I knew for sure that the lot we won was worth it and that there were some great pieces in the lot. There was an enameled Original by Robert floral, a nice Coro Pegasus floral, also a pair of Judy Lee earrings and more. While at the auction a pretty rhinestone necklace and a rhinestone demi caught my eye in this lot so although I was disappointed not to have won more, I was still pretty okay with how things turned out.

My husband and I while looking at this particular lot noticed that the blue rhinestone demi had a hang tag that was marked “CH”. We had a giggle as those are my initials and or course I joked that I had designed the beautiful set.

We arrived at home and as we usually do we started our research on the items we could not attribute. One of the necklaces turned out to be by the wonderful designer Michel Negrin. Very cool! The demi turned out to be by the famous and well regarded Arts& Crafts designer Charles Horner! Needless to say, this made the trip more than worth it! I hope every month is this good!!!

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